As the Water Flows (漫随流水)
As The Water Flows is a reflection on human nature, an epic of a woman and a profound examination of the destruction of the human spirit by the Cultural Revolution.
The novel begins in an urban environment. The protagonist, a teenage girl, grows up in a world of her own imagination. The arrival of the Cultural Revolution—a social movement as powerful as a summer hurricane—abruptly sweeps away her dreams for her future. When she is sent to work in the countryside, a quiet pastoral landscape and backbreaking labor destroy all ambitions. Then, she chooses a right passage for that era, and joins the league of peasants and soldiers that had been her tormenters; ultimately sharing in the leftists’ romantic fortitude. When the New Era of capitalism dawns upon China in the late 1980s, she begins the desperate search for a moral compass.
One can call her a social chameleon—her existence reflects the different historical eras she lives in. She constantly reinvents herself and pursues almost contradictory ideals in different stages of her existence. In order to survive, each time she has no choice but to abandon her previous self, her previous dreams, her previous beliefs, and subsequently, her integrity. She lies to the world and to her own heart. Only by fabricating her present and reassembling history can she create a new life. She does not hesitate to hurt her family, desecrate love, and betray her faith. She is a rootless woman, living alone, far away from home in a hostile environment.
In her day of judgment, she blames her wickedness on the changing of times. Whose fault is it that this woman has taken every wrong turn in the story of her life? Can she save herself from the coming tide of collective ignorance? Who repeatedly plundered her vision for the future? Who turns dreams into nightmares? Who renders life into endless suffering and regret? Purchase HERE.
作为长篇小说《秋天死于冬季》的姊妹篇,《漫随流水》仍旧是一部对人性进行反思的作品。这是一部女人的史诗(47万字),更是对“文革”苦难以及精神摧残 的一次深刻检讨。小说讲述了一个女孩扭曲的成长岁月。少年时金色茅草般的梦幻憧憬。“文革”中摧枯拉朽的狂飙运动。上山下乡所向往的田园牧歌。大学里工农 兵学员的意气风发。和左翼者缠绵而刚毅的浪漫。新时期哀兵般的上下求索。总之她历经了生命中不同的年代,她并且始终被梦想所激励。小 说中每个章节开始的时候,都将展开一段崭新的生命篇章。逝去的不再回来,她便惟有面对陌生的未来。于是她开始扮演不同的角色,在不同阶段追求几近相悖的生 存意义。所以不同章节中看到的她,几乎是完全不同的。因为她永远在变,永远让你雾里看花。但这就是她生存的意义,为追逐不断变换的时代而放弃原先的自我、 信念,乃至人格。她的一生就是在牺牲“自我”中完成的,“适者生存”已成为她信念中最坚定的部分。她当然不是一个完美的人。她所代表的是人性中最晦暗的部分。但她却总是能依靠本能(包括道德的取舍,良知的去留,欲求的选择,乃至灵肉的买卖),在痛苦与艰辛中让人生变得璀璨而壮丽。哪怕她每一次退出历史舞台时都是完美而感人的。
这 个女人从哪里来?她所有的来处都被她否定了。她知道那个时代人的出身和背景有多重要,又会怎样无情地影响人的一生。她此生最为执着并且做得最好的,就是不 折不扣地和她所处的所有时代保持了一致。在更迭中,她抛弃原有思维,改过自新。为此她成了一个说谎的女人。因为只有不断编造谎言,切割历史,她才能进入新 的生活。为此她不惜伤害亲人,亵渎爱情,背叛信念。她于是成了一个无根的女人,在险恶的环境中独自漂泊。她 的生命中遍布爱情。不同的时代她会为自己找到不同的恋人。她也曾爱过那些过客般的男人,却只是为了藉以完成自身的蜕变。因此女人总是背负罪恶。在自我审判 中将罪恶嫁祸于时代的变迁。她身不由己地走错了人生的一步又一步。于是小说想要诘问,靠一个人的力量,又有谁能拯救自己的人生?为什么女人总是被梦想抛弃?又是谁掠夺了她一次次对未来的憧憬?是谁让梦想变得低沉,人生变得晦暗?[在此购书]
The novel begins in an urban environment. The protagonist, a teenage girl, grows up in a world of her own imagination. The arrival of the Cultural Revolution—a social movement as powerful as a summer hurricane—abruptly sweeps away her dreams for her future. When she is sent to work in the countryside, a quiet pastoral landscape and backbreaking labor destroy all ambitions. Then, she chooses a right passage for that era, and joins the league of peasants and soldiers that had been her tormenters; ultimately sharing in the leftists’ romantic fortitude. When the New Era of capitalism dawns upon China in the late 1980s, she begins the desperate search for a moral compass.
One can call her a social chameleon—her existence reflects the different historical eras she lives in. She constantly reinvents herself and pursues almost contradictory ideals in different stages of her existence. In order to survive, each time she has no choice but to abandon her previous self, her previous dreams, her previous beliefs, and subsequently, her integrity. She lies to the world and to her own heart. Only by fabricating her present and reassembling history can she create a new life. She does not hesitate to hurt her family, desecrate love, and betray her faith. She is a rootless woman, living alone, far away from home in a hostile environment.
In her day of judgment, she blames her wickedness on the changing of times. Whose fault is it that this woman has taken every wrong turn in the story of her life? Can she save herself from the coming tide of collective ignorance? Who repeatedly plundered her vision for the future? Who turns dreams into nightmares? Who renders life into endless suffering and regret? Purchase HERE.
作为长篇小说《秋天死于冬季》的姊妹篇,《漫随流水》仍旧是一部对人性进行反思的作品。这是一部女人的史诗(47万字),更是对“文革”苦难以及精神摧残 的一次深刻检讨。小说讲述了一个女孩扭曲的成长岁月。少年时金色茅草般的梦幻憧憬。“文革”中摧枯拉朽的狂飙运动。上山下乡所向往的田园牧歌。大学里工农 兵学员的意气风发。和左翼者缠绵而刚毅的浪漫。新时期哀兵般的上下求索。总之她历经了生命中不同的年代,她并且始终被梦想所激励。小 说中每个章节开始的时候,都将展开一段崭新的生命篇章。逝去的不再回来,她便惟有面对陌生的未来。于是她开始扮演不同的角色,在不同阶段追求几近相悖的生 存意义。所以不同章节中看到的她,几乎是完全不同的。因为她永远在变,永远让你雾里看花。但这就是她生存的意义,为追逐不断变换的时代而放弃原先的自我、 信念,乃至人格。她的一生就是在牺牲“自我”中完成的,“适者生存”已成为她信念中最坚定的部分。她当然不是一个完美的人。她所代表的是人性中最晦暗的部分。但她却总是能依靠本能(包括道德的取舍,良知的去留,欲求的选择,乃至灵肉的买卖),在痛苦与艰辛中让人生变得璀璨而壮丽。哪怕她每一次退出历史舞台时都是完美而感人的。
这 个女人从哪里来?她所有的来处都被她否定了。她知道那个时代人的出身和背景有多重要,又会怎样无情地影响人的一生。她此生最为执着并且做得最好的,就是不 折不扣地和她所处的所有时代保持了一致。在更迭中,她抛弃原有思维,改过自新。为此她成了一个说谎的女人。因为只有不断编造谎言,切割历史,她才能进入新 的生活。为此她不惜伤害亲人,亵渎爱情,背叛信念。她于是成了一个无根的女人,在险恶的环境中独自漂泊。她 的生命中遍布爱情。不同的时代她会为自己找到不同的恋人。她也曾爱过那些过客般的男人,却只是为了藉以完成自身的蜕变。因此女人总是背负罪恶。在自我审判 中将罪恶嫁祸于时代的变迁。她身不由己地走错了人生的一步又一步。于是小说想要诘问,靠一个人的力量,又有谁能拯救自己的人生?为什么女人总是被梦想抛弃?又是谁掠夺了她一次次对未来的憧憬?是谁让梦想变得低沉,人生变得晦暗?[在此购书]
The End of August (八月末)
The End of August is an ode to love and destruction. Having been compared to Les Liaisons Dangereuses, the story builds around a murder at a vacation community by the sea. A woman writer moves into her dream house by the ocean, hoping to live a quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of the city. However, a neighborhood party entangles her in the emotional disputes of her neighbors, marking the beginning of an ambiguous and dangerous relationship in the community. The beautifully penned story is filled with intrigue, and Hitchcockian suspense. Purchase HERE.
《八月末》是长诗一般的小说,通篇弥漫着一种华丽的悲凉。小说是爱的故事,也是毁灭的故事,被评论界称之为中国版的《危险关系》。故事讲述了一个发生在海边的 谋杀案,在斑驳陆离的人物关系和情感纠葛中,贯穿着诡异、宿命、凶杀乃至死亡的气息。女作家搬入梦想已久的海边别墅,希望过上远离都市喧嚣的宁静生活。但 一次聚会让她身不由己地卷入左邻右舍的情感纠葛中,由此演绎出人与人之间既暧昧又冷漠的危险的关系。小说扣人心弦、凄婉唯美,更有希区柯克般的心理分析,悬疑迭生。[在此购书]
《八月末》是长诗一般的小说,通篇弥漫着一种华丽的悲凉。小说是爱的故事,也是毁灭的故事,被评论界称之为中国版的《危险关系》。故事讲述了一个发生在海边的 谋杀案,在斑驳陆离的人物关系和情感纠葛中,贯穿着诡异、宿命、凶杀乃至死亡的气息。女作家搬入梦想已久的海边别墅,希望过上远离都市喧嚣的宁静生活。但 一次聚会让她身不由己地卷入左邻右舍的情感纠葛中,由此演绎出人与人之间既暧昧又冷漠的危险的关系。小说扣人心弦、凄婉唯美,更有希区柯克般的心理分析,悬疑迭生。[在此购书]
Autumn Dies Upon Winter (秋天死于冬季)
Different people from different times come together in this novel. The life experiences of the two protagonists transcend history, culminating into to a lifelong journey that is sometimes cheerful and sometimes sad. The novel examines men and women, their welling desires and the inevitable departure of desires in allegorical expressions, dissecting the amorous relationship among the Chinese elite class. This novel’s multi-faceted characters are excellent reference points to Chinese history, and the story gives readers an opportunity to explore their own perception and emotions. Autumn Dies Upon Winter provides a refreshing creative template for long-form novels.
这是一部由不同时期、不同人物组合起来的长篇小说。青冈、西江等众多人物贯穿始终。他们各自的人生经历穿越历史,纷至沓来,堆积起或灿烂或晦暗的斑驳人生。小说以寓言式的表达阐释男人和女人、情感与欲望的分裂,以全新视角切入中国精英阶层的情爱关系。小说故事和人物命运苍凉凄婉,自始至终笼罩着一种悲剧氛围。小 说在文本上有所创新。议论和故事杂陈。不同时代的人物相互纠葛。一些正在发展的情节被无端打断。将一个话题兴之所至地说开去再说开去。语意的重复如同音乐 中的主题再现。旁征博引让一切看似无章可循。小说中每个章节都是一个故事,它们既相互关联,又各自独立。读者可以从任何一章进入。无论从哪一行文字开始, 最终都能获得完整的印象。小说保持了赵玫一贯的优雅灵异和美文基调,显示出一种追寻人生意义、迷恋思索深度的高贵姿态。其故事的链接方式、人物的多面悲欢与厚重的历史关照,颇富创意,将引领读者完成一次感受错综的精神漫游,亦为当下的长篇创作提供一种令人耳目一新的范本。
这是一部由不同时期、不同人物组合起来的长篇小说。青冈、西江等众多人物贯穿始终。他们各自的人生经历穿越历史,纷至沓来,堆积起或灿烂或晦暗的斑驳人生。小说以寓言式的表达阐释男人和女人、情感与欲望的分裂,以全新视角切入中国精英阶层的情爱关系。小说故事和人物命运苍凉凄婉,自始至终笼罩着一种悲剧氛围。小 说在文本上有所创新。议论和故事杂陈。不同时代的人物相互纠葛。一些正在发展的情节被无端打断。将一个话题兴之所至地说开去再说开去。语意的重复如同音乐 中的主题再现。旁征博引让一切看似无章可循。小说中每个章节都是一个故事,它们既相互关联,又各自独立。读者可以从任何一章进入。无论从哪一行文字开始, 最终都能获得完整的印象。小说保持了赵玫一贯的优雅灵异和美文基调,显示出一种追寻人生意义、迷恋思索深度的高贵姿态。其故事的链接方式、人物的多面悲欢与厚重的历史关照,颇富创意,将引领读者完成一次感受错综的精神漫游,亦为当下的长篇创作提供一种令人耳目一新的范本。
The Garden of Eternal Sunshine (朗园)
The Garden of Eternal Sunshine was the crown jewel of Shanghai’s colonial mansions. This novel, weaves hundreds of years of modern Chinese history around this house during times of extreme turmoil. Colonialism provides a backdrop for the story and the female aristocrat who lives in the Garden during the Republic of China embodies the essence of that period. After the expulsion of foreign influence, communist revolutionary leaders move into the Garden and soon women of the new proletarian class risk everything they have in order to become the mistresses of the famed residence. Peasants and soldiers occupy the Garden during the Cultural Revolution. Together, people from all walks of life—whether the aging aristocrat or the idealist red guard, write the story of The Garden of Eternal Sunshine.
《朗园》穿越近百年历史,讲述了这座大房子里发生的世事变迁。殖民地文化是《朗园》的重要背景,而贯穿其中的那位民国时期的女贵族,就是这段历史最高贵的遗 存。解放后革命干部进入朗园,更有平民区女人不惜一切代价,只要能搬入这座梦寐以求的大房子,哪怕她成为朗园新的女主人后并不幸福。“文革”中工农兵霸占 了朗园,久而久之,朗园竟也成为了他们的家园。于是不同阶级,不同人群在这座房子里演绎他们的恩恩怨怨,无论年华老去的女贵族,还是献身信念的红卫兵,都闪烁出理想主义的悲壮光辉。直到朗园被拆毁,直到白发苍苍的女贵族站在摇摇欲坠的楼顶上,誓与朗园共存亡…
《朗园》穿越近百年历史,讲述了这座大房子里发生的世事变迁。殖民地文化是《朗园》的重要背景,而贯穿其中的那位民国时期的女贵族,就是这段历史最高贵的遗 存。解放后革命干部进入朗园,更有平民区女人不惜一切代价,只要能搬入这座梦寐以求的大房子,哪怕她成为朗园新的女主人后并不幸福。“文革”中工农兵霸占 了朗园,久而久之,朗园竟也成为了他们的家园。于是不同阶级,不同人群在这座房子里演绎他们的恩恩怨怨,无论年华老去的女贵族,还是献身信念的红卫兵,都闪烁出理想主义的悲壮光辉。直到朗园被拆毁,直到白发苍苍的女贵族站在摇摇欲坠的楼顶上,誓与朗园共存亡…
Lovers in Heaven (天国的恋人)
Lovers in Heaven is a reflection of sin and human nature, expressing the deep pain that was brought upon the entire nation by the Cultural Revolution. In this political catastrophe, everyone takes on a different role. The novel examines the political environment’s effect upon a person's judgment of good and evil. The tumultuous environment created by the Cultural Revolution cultivates the wickedness of the human heart, exposing the worst of each person in society. The story depicts those who have given up their conscience and betrayed others. This immoral betrayal even exists within one’s own family: a wife exposing her husband and children denouncing their parents. Zhao Mei seeks to expose how easy crime, abuse and even murder can become under these circumstances.
《天国的恋人》是一本对人性及罪恶充满思索的小说。 表现了“文革”灾难所带给这个民族的深刻创伤。作者认为“文革”和第二次世界大战有很多相似的地方,很多人因此而失去了生命。在这场政治浩劫中不同的人扮 演着不同的角色。小说中强调了一个人所处的环境,将决定一个人的善恶。而“文革”中那种险恶的环境,无疑调动人类内心的那一份恶,进而很多人因环境逼迫而成为了恶人。小说中描写了那些良知泯 灭、出卖别人的人。很多的人就是因他们的背叛而死去的。这种道德沦丧的出卖甚至来自亲人,诸如妻子揭发丈夫,子女批斗父母。在如此残酷的环境下,亲人间的 这种相互残杀,无疑将人性的丑陋暴露无遗。而作者所以要写这部小说,就是想让人们知道在那样的情境下,犯罪,伤害他人,甚至逼人致死,是多么轻易。
《天国的恋人》是一本对人性及罪恶充满思索的小说。 表现了“文革”灾难所带给这个民族的深刻创伤。作者认为“文革”和第二次世界大战有很多相似的地方,很多人因此而失去了生命。在这场政治浩劫中不同的人扮 演着不同的角色。小说中强调了一个人所处的环境,将决定一个人的善恶。而“文革”中那种险恶的环境,无疑调动人类内心的那一份恶,进而很多人因环境逼迫而成为了恶人。小说中描写了那些良知泯 灭、出卖别人的人。很多的人就是因他们的背叛而死去的。这种道德沦丧的出卖甚至来自亲人,诸如妻子揭发丈夫,子女批斗父母。在如此残酷的环境下,亲人间的 这种相互残杀,无疑将人性的丑陋暴露无遗。而作者所以要写这部小说,就是想让人们知道在那样的情境下,犯罪,伤害他人,甚至逼人致死,是多么轻易。
The Women of Our Clan (我们家族的女人)
The Women of Our Clan is an epic tale of the struggle and survival of the women of one Manchurian family. A grandmother who converted to Christianity at the brink of the communist revolution, an aunt who blindly follows the charismatic leaders who propagated the ideals of Chairman Mao, or a young women living in a modern and faithless world, they are all under the spell of a brutal force no matter which era they live in and no matter how hard they try to adapt to their times. They experience the suffering of life, not knowing that their fates were doomed by misfortune the moment their ancestors rode their horses out of the hinterlands to conquer China.
《我们家族的女人》是一部长歌当哭的家族诗篇。祖先的血脉就像宿命,笼罩着这个满族家庭所有女人的命运。无论解放前虔诚信奉基督教的祖母,还是战争中盲目追随革命的姑妈,抑或生活在当代的年轻女性,都被冥冥中一股残酷的力量所控制。无论她们生活在怎样的年代,也无论她们怎样顺应她们的时代。 她们不知不觉地经历生命的创痛,却不知那就是血脉的回应。事实上从祖先一路金戈铁马向腹地杀来的悲壮时刻,就已经注定了这些女人将毕生承受不幸。于是她们变得坚忍而顽强。那些脆弱的,却在苦难中永不凋谢的女人。
《我们家族的女人》是一部长歌当哭的家族诗篇。祖先的血脉就像宿命,笼罩着这个满族家庭所有女人的命运。无论解放前虔诚信奉基督教的祖母,还是战争中盲目追随革命的姑妈,抑或生活在当代的年轻女性,都被冥冥中一股残酷的力量所控制。无论她们生活在怎样的年代,也无论她们怎样顺应她们的时代。 她们不知不觉地经历生命的创痛,却不知那就是血脉的回应。事实上从祖先一路金戈铁马向腹地杀来的悲壮时刻,就已经注定了这些女人将毕生承受不幸。于是她们变得坚忍而顽强。那些脆弱的,却在苦难中永不凋谢的女人。